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Food Preference Revisited:

The Case of Grasshopper Eaters, Specific Reference in Gunung Kidul

Ika Riswanti Putranti, Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, Sheiffi Puspapertiwi, Audrey Rachalia Achmad, Sukma Bintang Cahyani, Yemima Galih Pradipta
Keywords: Entomophagy, Insects, Food security, Rome Declaration on World Food Security

This article is aimed to add comprehensiveness in food security multi-disciplinary studies by using an international relations approach to address the relation between structure and agents; that is between regime, state, and individual. It proposes the case of Gunung Kidul urging the international community to revisit the term ‘food preference’ incorporated in the definition of food security in regard to social, cultural, and ethical dimensions. The absence of any guidelines in determining and interpreting ‘preference’ in defining food security under an international regime complex structure opens debates both in theoretical and practice, which in turn could make it more complex for said regime to achieve its goal: prosperity of human kind.


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