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Lost in Translation? The EU Law Reform of Organic Farming

Luca Leone
Keywords: organic farming, European regulation, agricultural production

This paper maps the huge and complex debate involved in the mid-2010 revision of the European (EU) rules defining the organic production system, laying the groundwork to illustrate if and how perspectival differences mattered in the final law-making process completed in 2018. Looking at the ways in which agri-food players sought to rethink organic rules, the analysis illustrates the epistemic and normative stakes associated with the reform process, and the disputes that inevitably rise when different modes of connoting agricultural practices – such as organics – come into contact and, often, conflict. The contribution reflects, in its final part, on the main issues the new Regulation brings to the forefront.
Keywords: organic farming; European regulation; agricultural production

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Piacenza (Italy) – <mailto:luca.leone@unicatt.it>. The present work anticipates, with some changes, part of the seventh chapter of the forthcoming book “Organic Regulation. A legal and policy journey between Europe and the United States, Tricase, LE (Italy): Libellula”.


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