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The New EU Organic Food Law

War in the Villages or a New Kind of Coexistence

Hanspeter Schmidt
Keywords: Regulation (EU) 2018/848, Organic food, Organic production, EU law

There is a new EU organic food law. It will go into effect as of 2021 and requires deep changes to the practice of organic farmers. It provides for complex rules for dealing with traces of agrochemicals in organic products. Organic farmers are now to draw up and maintain “precautionary measures” against pollution from conventional agriculture. Regulation (EU) 2018/848 introduces a triade of legal consequences for each case where a pesticide trace is reported in an organic food product, however low this may be: (a) an official investigation; (b) a provisional marketing stop; (c) or permanent organic decertification, where the newly required measures to avoid the contamination from conventional organic farming have not been implemented. A new organic trade culture will be needed.

Hanspeter Schmidt is a Rechtsanwalt/Attorney (Germany), Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht/Accredited Expert of Administrative Law (EU), Freiburg im Breisgau.


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