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Maximum Amounts of Vitamins and Minerals in Food Supplements in Light of Consumer Protection and Free Movement of Goods

Justyna Nowak

The article assesses the recent initiative of the European Commission consisting of introducing maximum and minimum levels of vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified food, by referring it to two values, each of them imposing different conclusions. One of those is consumers’ health protection, the other is enhancement of the functioning of the internal market. The article also describes different solutions assumed throughout EU countries within this scope as well as propositions of particular Member States submitted in response to the discussion paper and EU bodies’ standings. Last but not least, the paper presents conclusions on how the matter should be tackled to produce the biggest possible benefits for all market participants.

PhD student at the University of Lodz (Poland), carrying out the research on the self-regulation and co-regulation mechanisms on the foodstuffs market, attorney at law working in the food and pharmaceutical industry. For Correspondence: <>


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