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Regulation EC/178/2002 Incorporated Into Swiss Food Law – The End of “Cherry-Picking” Swiss legislation?

Karola Krell Zbinden

Switzerland is not a Member State of the European Union and European Law is not applicable in Switzerland. However, several legal provisions in Swiss law contain references to European Regulations and Directives. Other Swiss provisions are transcripts of European regulations, the so called “autonomous adaptation” of European Law into Swiss Law. In this way Switzerland has been able to adopt most of the content of European Food Law, but it was also able to choose from the European provisions or to interpret and correct them. In 2010 Switzerland started to revise completely its Federal Act of 9 October 1992 on Foodstuffs and Utility Articles (Foodstuffs Act, FSA). One aim of this revision is the adoption of the principles of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 which have not been implemented in Swiss Food Law yet. The message and the draft of the revised act were published in May 2011. This revision can be seen as an acknowledgment of the achievements of the European General Food Law.


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