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The Legal Framework for the Kratom Market in the European Union

Petr Tomciak

Kratom enjoys a long history of use by humans, but has recently come into public discussion within the EU. With a variety of forms such as tea, pouch, drink or powder, kratom has grown in popularity and became one of the fastest growing products among young consumers, in part due to its effects as a stimulant, as a sedative, and its availability on the market. The increasing cases of health issues and the slowly decreasing age of consumers led legislators in some countries to change their regulatory approach. The article discusses regulatory approaches to kratom in various countries around the world and in the EU, focusing on a new proposal to regulate kratom in the Czech Republic.

Petr Tomčiak is a Ph.D. candidate at the Prague University of Economics and Business. For correspondence: tomp06@vse.cz.


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