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The New EU Regulatory Framework on Environmental Information in Product Labelling

Remarks from the Consumer Perspective


Vito Rubino

This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Licence Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

The European Union’s green strategy pays particular attention to the role of the consumer in the contemporary process of ecological transition. In fact, thanks to their power of choice, consumers can condition market development with regard to the sustainability of products, the green choices of companies, their compliance with precise commitments in terms of SDGs and commercial transparency, etc. For this reason, the European Commission has included in the package of measures accompanying the ecological transition some rules aimed at strengthening the right of consumers to transparent and fair information, also in order to further clarify the responsibilities of economic operators in this area. The legislative process is still in progress: the European Commission has included them in its work programme 2024 reaffirming their centrality in the legal architecture of the Green Deal. However, there are some doubts as to whether it is actually possible for all the provisions contained in the proposals to be finally adopted before the end of the parliamentary term in June 2024. At the same time, some of these measures still have serious implications in terms of competition, which would require further reflection. After presenting the overall scenario described, this article will outline the legal elements that would require additional reflection and that could also be improved during the enforcement of the rules in question.

Vito Rubino is Associate Professor at University of Eastern Piedmont. For correspondence: <vito.rubino@uniupo.it>. This article is part of the project 2022YPWF3H Towards a sustainable agrifood system: legal tools for the development of European agrifood chain, which has received funding from NextGeneration EU - MUR M4C2– PRIN 2022.


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