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Systematics of the Novel Food Regulation - An Analysis of the Consultation Results to Date

Katharina Niewalda

According to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283, any food business operator wanting to introduce a Novel Food on the European market may consult an EU Member State on the novelty of the product in question before applying for approval of the European Commission (EC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The consultation notifications published to date vary greatly depending on the country of origin and, so far, there has been no analysis of the different approaches to the consultation process by the individual countries. The following article will take a closer look at the consultation process and the previously published Novel Food consultations from the various Member States based on the different notification components. Discrepancies will be highlighted and various suggestions for improvement will be proposed.

Katharina Niewalda is a state-examined medical doctor and has a B.Sc. in Nutrition Sciences. The article is an abridged version of her Bachelors Thesis from July 2022.


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