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The EU’s GMO Concept: Analysis of the GMO Definition in EU Law in the Light of New Breeding Techniques (NBTs)

Gema Fernández Albújar, Bernd van der Meulen
Keywords: GMO, Breeding Techniques

Gema Fernández Albújar MSc is food legal researcher at the European Institute for Food Law. Comments are welcome at: <mailto:gemafernandezalbujar@gmail.com>. An earlier version of this text was published in the European Institute for Food Law working paper series. It is available at: <http://ssrn.com/abstract_id=3094321>; Prof. Dr. B.M.J. van der Meulen <http://www.BerndvanderMeulen.eu> is food legal consultant, director of the European Institute for Food Law <https://www.food-law.nl> and professor of Food Law at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Comments are welcome at: <mailto:Bernd.vanderMeulen@food-law.nl>. The authors are grateful for critical comments and feedback on an earlier draft from: André Bertran (WUR), Valentina Bracuto (WUR), René Custers (VIB), Niels Louwaars (Plantum), Piet van der Meer (Ghent University/Free University of Brussels) and Henk Schouten (WUR). The authors are grateful for information on different language versions of the EU GMO definitions from: Clarissa Fröberg (Attorney), Nicole Grmelová (Researcher), Małgorzata Korzycka (Prof. Food Law), Katia Merten-Lentz (Attorney), Francesco Montanari (Food Lawyer), Manon Ombredane (Legal consultant), Valeria Paganizza (Food Law Consultant), Rūta Pumputienė (Attorney), Vicente Rodriguez Fuentes (Attorney), Elena Todorova (Attorney), Xenia Tsitou (Regulatory and scientific affairs professional), Jan Vavrečka (Researcher).


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